Illustratrion Friday – Clique

Illustratrion Friday – Clique, originally uploaded by Diogo Nogueira.

Another theme suggested by Illustration Friday website but now made on time!

Clique by definition is a group of individuals with shared interests who spend time together and do not readily allow others to join them.

Looks like the dog wants to play. It’s a shame not everyone is so friendly.

20 Responses to “Illustratrion Friday – Clique”

  1. elegraph Says:

    Aw. Cats can be such snobs, huh? It’s the other way around in my house – the cat is the one who is so friendly, while the dog is a grouch. cute illo – love the textures you’ve used.

  2. damon Says:


    like your style

  3. neus Says:

    Very nice and funny!

  4. Marta Says:

    To me, this illustration really conveys both the denotation and connotation of the word “clique”. Well done!

  5. Rita Says:

    Very nice. I like the dog specially.

  6. Dada's place Says:

    Great! Funny and interesting! I like your colours and style!

  7. Vanessa newton Says:

    Love it all! This is just fabulous! Really great theme and color. Very nicely done.

  8. senta Says:

    Beautiful colors and texture, this is wonderful!

  9. nina seven Says:

    love your cats and the colors are so fun!

  10. Monica Says:

    Concordo plenamente! Lindas cores, textura e composição!

  11. Shugar Says:

    oooh lovely colors! And i like the textures on them too. Very nice! 🙂

  12. Juan Carlos Federico Says:

    Cute illo!! Love your style.

  13. HOLLi Says:

    Nice texture!

  14. Graziella Mattar Says:

    Adorei conhecer o seu trabalho! Passarei sempre por aqui! bj

  15. Eric Barclay Says:

    Awesome cats! Love the colors and textures. Great illustration.

  16. Bella Sinclair Says:

    Awww! All he wants to do is play ball with them. I love this illustration and the vibrant colors

  17. Chad Baldwin Says:

    I really enjoy this piece. The colors and textures are great! i would love to see what the background would look like changing it to look like with the textures and colors used from the animals. Great work!

  18. Alina Says:

    Coolio colorful illo!

  19. Taline Schubach Says:

    Muito obrigada!
    Esses seus gatinhos estão muito lindos também!
    Gosto das cores fortes.

    Qlqr dia desses a gente troca figurinha e eu te mostro como fiz esses meus trabalhos.
    Andei buscando seu livro, mas ainda não encontrei. Qndo achar quero um autógrafo! hehe


  20. Rose Says:

    Olá Diogo, engraçado que me identifiquei com a sua aflição diante da criação do blog, na verdade, eu já tinha a idéia, que era tirar meus escritos da gaveta, mas para ficar bonitinho tinha que ter também uma imagem que combinasse com o texto ou poema, a postagem é sempre árdua pra mim. Achei lindo o seu trabalho, a fusão de amor e prazer só pode dar bons frutos. Parabéns pelo talento e pelo lançamento do livro. Se tiver um tempo, passa lá no blog:

    Grande abraço

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